We are delighted to welcome senior researcher Andrew M. Jefferson from DIGNITY – Danish Institute Against Torture who will share insights from a new book about prisons in Myanmar based on research conducted collaboratively with Myanmar-based researchers.
Drawing on over two decades of research on ‘prisons in the global south’ Andrew will also reflect critically and take questions on imprisonment around the world and the harms it generates and the way different actors try to mitigate those harms.
Everyday Prison Governance in Myanmar analyses prison life in Myanmar during a short-lived period of democratic transition. The accounts of former prisoners reveal the realities of everyday life illuminating survival strategies, landscapes of emotion, and power dynamics.
Andrew will talk about how everyday prison life was organised, regulated, experienced and felt during the time before the military coup (February 1st 2021) and how it comes as no surprise that the military regime could weaponize the prison system so easily afterwards.
About the Author
Andrew M. Jefferson is a senior researcher at DIGNITY – Danish Institute Against Torture where for the past two decades he has conducted ethnographic research on prisons and prison reform in non-western contexts (including Nigeria, Sierra Leone, the Philippines, Kosovo, Tunisia, Jordan and Myanmar).
Current work focuses on thinking through ways to inhibit the practice of torture that draw on intellectual traditions associated with prison abolitionism, as well as considering ways to strengthen links between civil society activism and the academy to negate the harmful effects of repression and state power.
Andrew has published widely in scientific journals and edited books and is co-editor of State Violence & Human Rights and Gender, Criminalization, Imprisonment and Human Rights in Southeast Asia (just out in paperback).