These Precious Days by Ann Patchett


As the world tries to shift the weight of this new boulder that threatens to crush us, there are few better places to turn than to the beautiful writing of author and bookstore owner Ann Patchett.

In her latest essay collection, ‘These Precious Days’, we find words and images that so accurately reflect the profound emotions of friendship, family, dedication and love.

The essays span in time and subject from the author’s childhood to adulthood, from her relationships with parents, partners and friends to her choice to write, to open a bookshop and to not have children.

There is a wonderful ease to Ann Patchett’s writing, to how her life flows through the essays, simultaneously organic and meticulously planned.

The essays depict different watershed events that all benefit from the calm reflections afforded only by time and distance.

‘These Precious Days’ is full of recognizable moments, and each reader will almost certainly have their own favorites, be it ‘Three Fathers’, a love letter to the three men her mother marries, each of whom play a defining role in Patchett’s life, or ‘There are No Children Here’ about the author’s choice not to want/have children, a choice that is so controversial to so many around her, or my personal favorite ‘These Precious Days’ about a chance encounter with Tom Hanks’ personal assistant, Sookie, an encounter that turns into a surprisingly deep friendship, thanks to two factors we would most want to do without, Covid and Cancer.

Maybe it’s because we are all so affected by the loneliness and turmoil around us, maybe it’s because no one is left untouched by the universal strength and gift of genuine, selfless kindness. One thing is for sure, this collection is a powerful reminder of the immense joy we can derive from being alive in the moment and aware of the influence of others, of being generous of spirit and giving of ourselves, and how we must always endeavor to make life decisions that feel right and true.

‘These Precious Days’ will make you smile, laugh, wonder and perhaps even shed a tear.

But it is all so worth it!

Happy Reading!


Isabella Smith