This is not the Jess Show by Anna Carey


If you are new to the thriller genre, like me, and want something that will keep you engaged and thinking, this is the book for you. I had only heard great things about this book and wanted to get into the genre, so I thought, why not let’s give it a go.

The book focuses on our main character Jess who is just a teenager going through the motions of high school and taking care of her sick sister. One day while walking to class, something shiny falls out of her friend’s backpack. It’s a cell phone. But it’s the 90’s. So what is a modern cell phone doing in the ’90s? Her friend brushes it off as if it were nothing but things only get weirder. Suddenly Anna’s on the run and trying to figure out a completely different world from the one she thought she knew. One thing leads to another, and Jess’ world gets flipped on its head.

Anna Carey lets the reader into Jess’ head, hearing her thoughts and worries and not having a single idea about what will happen next. Worried and scared, we walk through Jess’ experiences with her. 

I love this book and read it in two days, not being able to put it down. It was perfectly paced and made it easy to relate to Jess. Not that the average reader has gone through what she goes through in the book, but it is easy to understand her decisions and sympathize with her while gaining the same feelings about the same people.

I was pulled into Jess’ world and was enraptured, wanting to read it all at once, but at the same time loving it so much that I wanted to make it last. Anna Carey also perfectly sets up a sequel, and I hope it will be coming in the near future. 

Happy Reading!

Reviewed by Daniela S. Gram

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