Mischief Acts


Eva’s Review:

A novel based on the British folkloric figure, Herne the Hunter. Beginning with Herne’s creation in history, the chapters travel through the momentous points in history that he impacts. However, what truly grips the reader is the shift in narrative style and perspective. The first chapter is written like a medieval poem, difficult for the modern mind to read. The book is a mind rending, beautiful creative work that explores humanity’s changing relationship with nature.

Herne the hunter, mischief-maker, spirit of the forest, leader of the wild hunt, hurtles through the centuries pursued by his creator. A shapeshifter, Herne dons many guises as he slips and ripples through time - at candlelit Twelfth Night revels, at the spectacular burning of the Crystal Palace, at an acid-laced Sixties party. Wherever he goes, transgression, debauch and enchantment always follow in his wake.

But as the forest is increasingly encroached upon by urban sprawl and gentrification, and the world slides into crisis, Herne must find a way to survive - or exact his revenge.