Margo's Got Money Troubles


Lotte’s Review:

I have heard great things about this book, and can’t wait to fall in love with Margo. 19, pregnant with her college professor, and jobless, she turns to SoMe, and her dad, a ex-pro wrestler, whom she barely knows, moves in as her roommate. Now, how to juggle a baby, connecting with your ‘new’ dad and being successful at OnlyFans! Can’t wait for the laughs.

Margo Millet's got money troubles. As the child of a Hooter's waitress and an ex-Pro-Wrestler, she's always known she'd have to make it on her own. When she finds herself pregnant by her college professor - who is very keen not to be involved - she realizes she will need cash fast.

At twenty, alone with a baby, what Margo lacks in options she makes up for in ingenuity, and soon she has a plan: she'll start an OnlyFans as an experiment, producing content and writing storylines unlike anything else out there.

Help arrives in the form of her live-action role-playing flatmate Suzie, and her father, Jinx - a recovering addict and veteran of the wrestling world, who has experience of making an audience fall in love.

Before she knows it, Margo is an online phenomenon. Could this be the answer to all of Margo's problems, or does internet fame come with too high a price?